Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Playing Catch Up

I'm still struggling to play catch up with all my chores. Bad timing - meant that the decorator came in to refresh the hallway with some basic painting. It looks clean and fresh now. It hadn't been painted since the day we moved in 1999 and it needed doing then! It was a struggle to clear all the bookcases in readiness and of course it all had to be put back afterwards. Just at a time when I still felt weak and useless.

I still feel very tired. I've been told that I shouldn't underestimate the physical effects of the demands placed on me by caring for MyMan. That his depression is sapping my strength too. Apart from the extreme feeling of bone wearying fatigue I have a positive attitude. I'm just frustrated that I never get all that I want to do done each day. I get the 'must do' chores done and am having to leave the 'would like to do' list undone. But it is the latter that are fun, interesting or sociable .

At the moment I'm trying to get myself organised for a Macmillan Coffee morning. Several weeks ago October 1st seemed to be a good date for a charity coffee morning. Now I'm not so keen. I hope the sun doesn't shine that day. The last thing I want to see is all my cobwebs glowing in high definition sunlit glory.

Update: 13th October - All who came to join me for coffee and cake said they enjoyed the chance to socialise for a good cause. I've just paid a cheque for £90 into the fund.


karen said...

I wish you all the best.And hope you feel all better soon. Maybe you could cancel the coffee thing. I would but I am really lazy. You have a accuse you been sick.


ADDY said...

I agree that being a carer is sapping. Hope you are feeling stronger soon. One thing at a time and slowly plodding on will eventually get you to your "would like to do" list.

ChickPea said...

I've always found that letting myself do ONE 'want to do' chore after 2 'have to do' chores have been accopmplished helps with getting thru MOST of it - and helps survival too........

Penny Pincher said...

Thank you all for your comments - all very good points.