Friday 20 July 2007

All Change

The consultant psychiatrist today suggested that to increase the thyroxine dosage may give MyMan some more energy. He feels that the depression is made worse by the sheer fatigue factor. However, blood levels need to be checked first. Another factor is the difficulty that chronic muscular/bone pain does have such a debilitating effect on energy and mood. There is nothing that can be done to improve the pain. It is a question of managing it. This is as good as it gets. Chiropractic and deep tissue massage will only stop it from rapidly becoming worse. It wont make it better. He has to learn to live with it. We talked over just how much it has changed his personality and how difficult I'm finding it to adjust. "Like walking on egg shells". The consultant suggested I see our family doctor to talk over the effect it is having on me now. My need for counselling and support. Meanwhile MM will continue to have talk therapy. As a means of letting out the grief and anger over the loss of his working life and his active self. To use a professional as a verbal 'punch bag'. I miss my husband and he misses him too. So he does understand. All we can do do is to keep on trying. Meanwhile I think I've started to regain some of my equiibrium.


Poetess said...

Hi Thinker

I am pleased to read that you are feeling a bit stronger. You cannot possibly understand unless you have been there, and I certainly have. I do hope things keep improving for you both.

Penny Pincher said...

Thanks - kind of you. Hope life will improve for you too. x